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Our Houston Private Security Team Highlights Ineffective Tools for Security Work

In protecting your home, you may find yourself spending money on personal security products that have little value. Before making a big investment, our Houston-based private security team provides some guidance on what you should avoid. Avoid These 4 Ineffective Security Tools 1. Safety whistles Safety whistles often seem like a great idea. They can be used to alert others if you’re being attacked on the street. The idea is that others will come to […]

Tips for Preventing Property Crime from Our Houston Private Security Team

While working with an experienced Houston private security team can really help improve the security of your home and property, we can all play a role in protecting our neighborhoods. Let’s delve into a few strategies for preventing property crime in your area. Build connections in your Houston community Work with your friends and neighbors around the community to discuss issues with crime. You might start a neighborhood watch group, for example. Using this strategy, […]

A Guide to Working the Night Shift as a Houston Security Guard

Are you about to start working the night shift as a security guard in Houston? Make sure you prepare for your new working role. Our team at MP Security highlights how to work safely and responsibly as a security guard on the night shift. Safety Tips for Houston Security Guards Stay hydrated Dehydration can make the exhaustion from staying up during the night so much worse. Make sure you take a water bottle with you […]

The Sayings Members of Armed Security Companies Shouldn’t Use

Communication is one of the most important keys to effective security work and service. While easy it is easy to forget, communication is often how many dangerous situations are resolved without incident. Here are several sayings that should not be used by an armed security company. Six Things Security Guards Should Avoid Saying “I’m not telling you again” This phrase shows that you’re not willing to listen to the other party. If you’re a security […]