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What You Should Look for In a Private Security Company in Texas

Are you looking for private security companies in Texas, but aren’t sure about what services you should be looking for? No problem, that’s why we’re here! Our MP Security Team has listed some important aspects to need to consider before hiring a security company. Three Things to Look for in A Security Company Training & Background Check One of the most important aspects every professional security must-have is proper training. Depending on the type of […]

What Makes MP Security the Best Armed Security Guard Company?

If you’re looking to hire an exceptional armed security company in the Houston area, there are so many reasons why MP Security should be your first phone call. Not only are we one of the leading armed security companies in Houston, but we also offer a variety of other services including unarmed guards and patrol services. Check out some of the reasons why MP security is one of the best-armed security companies around!    Exceptional Officers […]


In Houston, there are tons of reasons why people might think random patrols are a good option. Maybe you just want someone to check on your property once in a while overnight, or maybe there have been a few reports of theft or vandalism in your area. There are many perfectly valid reasons why you might want to tighten your security, however, it’s important to make sure whether or not security patrol services in Houston are actually […]

Could Your Houston Business Utilize Unarmed Guards?

There are many reasons why hiring security guards can positively impact your business. However, we often hear the question, ‘should I be hiring armed or unarmed security guards?’ While all Houston security guards have to go through state-wide mandated testing, it’s important to make sure you’re choosing the best option for your situation. Check out some of the differences between unarmed and armed security officers, and in what situations unarmed guards might be the best fit for […]

How Houston Private Security Helps

We know that as a business owner, you’re constantly thinking about ways to improve your company both internally and the outward face that you present to the world. If you’ve been weighing the pros and cons of whether or not to upgrade your security measures by hiring private security in Houston, we’ve compiled some of the key reasons why professional security is so important. Here are some of the ways that professional security can save […]