Why Your Business Needs Unarmed Security Guards – Part 2

June 16, 2023 Category:

Welcome back! In the previous article, we discussed the many growing threats to Houston businesses. This includes theft, vandals, violently disgruntled customers, and the increasing amount of political violence in the country.

In this second half, we’ll be talking about solutions. How can uniformed security services from a private security company protect your business, customers, and workforce? You might be surprised at how much private security can do for you!

Part 2 – How Uniformed Security Services Protect and Enhance Your Business

A private security company provides all-around security services, as well as helping out in other ways.

The Deterrent Factor

By far the most important job role of uniformed security services is to act as a deterrent. After all, you’re best off when there’s no crime happening at your location at all. So, merely having uniformed guards on your property can be a big benefit simply by sending the message that this business is protected!

If a criminal is ‘casing’ multiple businesses in an area, and they see one has a strong 24-hour security presence, chances are they’re going to look for another target.

Smart Surveillance Plans

Your on-site security will typically be a combination of on-site patrolling by security guards, along with video surveillance of areas they aren’t looking at directly. A great private security company will work with you to understand your layout and the most likely places for a threat to enter and builds its security plan around this.

By understanding your location, your needs, and the property most in need of guarding, they can give you optimized surveillance without wasting money.

Deescalating Bad Situations

If you have an unruly customer being unreasonable, or protesters outside, you need calm and clear-headed security guards to keep the situation from escalating. A great private security firm focuses on de-escalation techniques and encouraging their guards – even armed guards – to view violence as a last resort.

Any violence on your property can make people nervous, even if it was due to a lone radical, so this is another situation where prevention is the best medicine.

Providing Customer Service

Finally, we can’t forget that a security guard is also part of your business team. Regular customers rarely distinguish between types of employees. If they need help or assistance, they’ll turn to the first person they see – and that person might be a private security guard.

Great guards are also great customer service agents! They’ll take time to get to know your business and help customers out with routine matters whenever needed. This increases public perception of your operation while improving safety at the same time.

MP Security Keeps Houston Safe!

Since 2003, we’ve been an on-call uniformed security service for businesses across Houston. Whether you need armed or unarmed guards, foot patrols or video surveillance, we’ll work with you to understand your situation and then craft a perfect security solution to match.

Don’t let rising violence make your business less safe. Contact MP Security today to discuss your security situation.