Our Security Guard Services Team Explains How to Mitigate the Threat of an Intruder

January 20, 2019 Category:

When you suspect an intruder is on your property, the experience can be traumatic. It’s important you have the information you need to make the right decision. In this latest post, our security guard services team at MP Security explains a little more about what you need to know to mitigate the threat from an intruder.

Listen closely to confirm intruders

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make when they believe there’s an intruder in the home is mistaking an animal for an intruder. It’s very common for the household cat or dog to make strange noises in the night and cause their owners to believe an intruder is in the home. Before you take additional steps, make sure there actually is an intruder in the home by listening closely for things like footsteps and the opening and closing of doors.

Stay where you are

While it might look easy in the action movies to take on a home intruder with a baseball bat or a handheld weapon of some kind, the likelihood is that you will be injured if you approach the intruder. Regardless of your level of fitness or strength, the intruder is likely desperate and will go to more extreme measures than you would in order to safely leave the property, so don’t approach them. Remain in place until you get additional assistance.

Call the police

Make sure you quietly make your way to your cell or home phone to call the police. Try to provide as much detail as possible in your call with law enforcement and make sure that you stay safe during the conversation. There are now many mobile apps that will instantly connect you to the police using a one-button movement on your cell phone, so it’s important to review these options as a preventative measure.

Working with an experienced security guard services team can help protect you and your family around the clock. Call the team here at MP Security directly to learn more about your residential security guard services options and our experienced guards.