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6 Security Tips from Your Leading Houston Private Security Company

Protecting your home and family is likely on the top of your list as a homeowner. Of course, one of the best ways to do so is to work with a Houston private security company like MP Security. But there are also some things you can do as a homeowner that also help keep your home, family, and valuables safe. As one of today’s leading security providers, the team from MP Security has helped hundreds […]

Does Your Factory Need a Security Guard?

When it comes to safety and security, there are tons of measures a factory owner or manager can take to ensure the wellbeing of both property and employees. While cameras, fences, and clear signage might provide some measures in protecting your assets and employees, there are many reasons why armed security guard services will add an additional layer of protection. Here are some of the benefits of hiring a security guard to enhance your factory’s safety.   […]

The Benefits of Houston Security Patrol Services

Having patrol services can provide a number of different benefits, increasing your safety and making your property a secure place. Whether you own a commercial enterprise or run an apartment complex, a security presence can improve your property and provide everyone who visits it peace of mind. Patrol services come in different shapes and forms, from foot patrols to patrols in marked security vehicles. As one of Houston’s leading security patrol services, MP Security has […]

4 Reasons to Invest in Houston Security Patrol Services

When it comes to protecting your home or business, one of the best things you can do is boost your security solutions. Even if you have a reliable alarm system, hiring Houston security patrol services can provide an added layer of comfort, which is why the team from MP Security offers armed and unarmed patrol services. If you’re still on the fence about investing in a security patrol service, we’ve collected some of the leading […]

How Security Services Act as a Crime Deterrent

One of the most effective ways that armed and unarmed security guards can protect a property against crime and misconduct is simply by deterring criminals and delinquents with their professional presence. Furthermore, there are a few common methods that Houston security guards can use to enhance their ability to deter crime. At MP Security Guard & Patrol, we expect our staff to maintain a professional appearance at all times and calmly follow procedure in the […]